Saturday, September 24, 2005

Surrendering to the Irrational?

An amusing titbit from a thread on Howard Rheingold's forum "Electric Minds"

> "If one observes the play of myth in the work of
>Science it does not mean that science does not work and
>one should simply surrender to the irrational."

This is the destructive meme-sequence that has wreaked
so much damage ... it is the perfect statement of the
dichotomization I was referring to. You can't
surrender to the irrational any more than you can
surrender to your own skin. The irrational isn't some
psychic gravity trying to pull us down from our proud
erect posture, it is the dynamic of the mid brain, the
pons and hypothalamus, that weaves its energy
management through the fabric of our daily adventures
in the form of passion, fear, curiosity, aversion, and
other felt things.

Surrender to the irrational? What a pathetic bogeyman
to oppose the methodical approach to tool making and
tool building.

Howard, the difference between technos and scientia is
profoundly germane to this whole enterprise. Technos
has to do with tools, media, implements. It has to do
with craft, design, intent, telos, finish, style, and
transmission of cultural lore. Scientia has to do with
your abstraction thingy, the extraction of essence or
the reification of persistent patterns...and scientia
is of the two the most problematic...because it has
more to do with the imposition of external authority.
Technos is indigenous culture, scientia is the
diplomatic pouch of the global mind, and it can be a
reductionist carpetbag in disguise.

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